To understand this you must abandon your pre-conceived ideas about space and time.
To our puny minds a billion years is along time but in the scheme of things it is but a split second. To our puny minds a billion light years covers a great distance but in the scheme of things it may as well be a millimetre.
Our ideas of space and time are based on limited knowledge and limited vision. We are like unborn chicks inside an egg trying to understand the world.
Religious people put everything they don't understand in the "god" basket, but as science unravels the mysteries of life, god shrinks. Lightning used to be "god" venting his wrath, now it's just electrical discharge.
I used to assume that godists were stupid but now I realise it's more a case of them failing to apply their intelligence. It also has to do with laziness because few christians read the bible and that is why they worship the gods of murder, misery, war and hell yet call them silly names like Merciful Father and Prince of Peace.
Anyone who cares to read the bible discovers that both deities are detestable, diabolical monsters fabricated by superstitious savages. But does that mean that atheists are right when they insist that god does not exist?
It depends on your understanding of god.
There is a big debate going on right now between supporters of Evolution and so-called Intelligent Design. If the latter catches on atheists can see 150 years of scientific progress going down the gurgler. The USA – as you would expect – is leading the crusade against Evolution. That is to be expected when you consider the origins of America. First it was a haven for the Pilgrim Fathers and other minority religions desperate to escape persecution in Europe to become persecutors in the new world.

Hot on their heels came the French Huguenots, the Catholic Irish the Catholic Italians and the Catholic Poles. Not much room for freethought there. So although the odd rabble-rouser like Thomas Paine, Robert G. Ingersoll, John Scopes and Madalyn Murray O'Hair stirred the pot, America has virtually stewed in religious gruel since its discovery by Columbus, himself a Catholic.
The problem with the godist version and the atheist version of god is that both have a very narrow vision of what god could be like. Atheists are right to dismiss the biblical monster who flies around breathing fire while inflicting people with plagues, famines and droughts. Clearly such a demonic deity harks back to the days of superstition and ignorance.
Likewise atheists are right to dismiss a Hebrew supremacist who refused to cure a sick child because she wan't a Jew. Such a "christ" should not be worshipped but reviled; viewed with contempt, loathing and disgust.
But what if G.O.D. (Great Omniparient Doofus) is a template, the design of which all cells are destined to emulate?

Nowadays we understand that life is made up of genes and DNA, and we understand that living matter will go on reproducing itself indefinitely by the process of cell replication and growth.
What if the entire universe is like that? Astronomers spend their lives studying the universe, trying to understand the "Big Bang", but what if there have been dozens, hundreds, even millions of Big Bangs?
Like a machine gun.
Astronomers say that our universe is 60 billion years old, but what if there have been millions of universes before this one, and what if many or even most of them still exist in other dimensions?
What if everything that grows on this planet has grown trillions of times before on other planets in other universes in other time frames?
What if G.O.D. is a template? Not an ignorant racist zealot advocating self-mutilation for looking at a woman with lust in our hearts, or a spiteful fiend inflicting men with haemorrhoids, but an intelligence so vast and so beyond-our-mental-scope that all bets are off.
Just me rabbitting on...
The Theory of Immaculate Precision
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